Latest News from the Billy Grace team
Feature update
Product update

Product update July 🔥

Tim avatar
Shared by Tim • August 01, 2023

Hey there,

The product update of July has arrived 🙌.

Read on to learn what we improved in July 2023.


In the top right corner of our app, we added notifications. With notifications, we will update you about configuration issues, optimization adjustments and in the future with data-driven recommendations and insights. Click on Manage Notifications in the popup to view all past notifications.


Unified Marketing Measurement

The attribution model: Unified Marketing Measurement is now available in Optimizations. Selecting this model makes it possible to add bottom and top funnel campaigns together, as the UMM model gives insight in performance of viewability channels like Meta en YouTube.

Learn more about the attribution models used in Billy Grace.

Attribution Windows

It is now possible to adjust the attribution window that the Optimization uses to optimize budgets on.

Minimum Spend

We also added an extra field to the optimization form: Minimum Spend. If this field is filled in with a number, then our algorithm will not touch campaigns / ad sets that did not meet the minimum spend. This is mostly helpful when adding new campaigns / ad sets to an existing Optimization, as this prevents the algorithm to scale down campaigns / ad sets with low spend.


We added a model comparison page to the Analytics reports. On this page, you can easily analyze the results of different attribution models and windows. Select a base model and a model to compare with, and the metrics in the table will update accordingly.


Down in the left menu, we added a user management page. On the user management page, you can invite colleagues that need only need access to the current client you are viewing.

Additional amazing improvements 🔥

  • Improvements to the Optimization algorithm to better account for short term changes in results;
  • It is now possible to turn off the Comparison Date picker. Turn off the switch inside the date picker to not show comparisons in reports.
  • Improved table readability and usability;

Feature update
Product update

The release of June is now live 🔥

Tim avatar
Shared by Tim • June 13, 2023

Hey there,

The release update of June has arrived 🙌.

Read on to learn what we improved in June 2023.


Our data team have been working for months on a new attribution model which will be a total game changer to accurately attribute performance to the full marketing funnel.

Introducing: Unified Marketing Measurement (UMM). UMM combines our Multi-touch click attribution model with Marketing Mix Modelling techniques. This makes it possible to accurately predict the performance of the full marketing funnel.

In practice this will lead to UMM attributing conversion value to viewability channels like: Meta, Pinterest, YouTube and Display. Giving you the power to for the first time gain insight in top to bottom funnel performance.

Read more about the Attribution models used in Billy Grace here.

Important: UMM is only available for clients which sufficient data. If the threshold is met, it will automatically become selectable in the Attribution Model dropdown.

NEW FEATURE: Bookmarks 🔖

Bookmarks are available on every page and in every table, and they let you save the selected layout. This gives you the power to create your own dashboard and table set up.

Find the bookmark icon at the top of a page or in the top right corner of a table.

NEW FEATURE: Attribution Settings 💁

Under settings - Profile we added the option to attribute a max percentage of conversion value to branded or organic touchpoints. You can fill in multiple branded keywords by dividing them by comma's. We recommend setting a max of 20% conversion value to branded. In case of the following conversion path:

Meta ad click - Google Branded

This will mean the Google Branded campaign can get a maximum of 20% conversion value.

NEW FEATURE: Campaign filter 🍒

Under Settings - Profile you have the possibility to add campaign filters. This can be used to filter campaign results and spend from reports. For example, if you run campaigns from ad managers for different countries, then you can filter those campaigns from your reports.

NEW: Optimization Performance 📈

We redesigned the Optimization Performance report and added more information about: Budgets, Keywords (Google) and performance indicators. Next to this, we added a date picker to easily analyze historical performance of campaigns that are optimized by Billy Grace.

Check it out!

Additional amazing improvements 🔥

  • Introducing 1-Day, 7-Day, 30-Day and Unlimited attribution windows to gain insight in short and long term performance of ads;
  • Improved loading speed and overall performance;
  • Improved table readability and usability;

Feature update
Product update

A new release is now live 🔥

Tim avatar
Shared by Tim • June 13, 2023

Hey there,

The release update of April has arrived 🙌.

Read on to learn what we improved in April 2023.

Automation Rules based on the Weather Forecast are NOW available. ☀️ 🌧️

In the beginning of April we released the new version of Automation Rules which can help you further automating your daily tasks. We added the following improvements in April:

  • Temperature and Chance of Rain are now available as a rule option, you can use this to, for example, scale up ads based on the weather prediction;
  • A rule can now count on ad, adset or campaign level;
  • The attribution window is now adjustable;

Read here how to use the weather forecast in Automation Rules and Optimizations.

NEW FEATURE: Channel Grouping 📈

With Channel Grouping you can exclude or group channels from the Channel Performance page. Navigate to settings - Channel Grouping to create one. Read here how to create a Channel Group to clean up your Channel Performance overview.

IMPROVED: Attribution Modelling 🚀

We keep on improving our models to show the most accurate performance of your ads. Curious to learn more about the optimized attribution models used in Billy Grace? Read this article.

Additional amazing improvements 🔥

  • Made the indent in tables better readable;
  • For Partners we added a client dropdown in the left menu, making it easier to switch between clients and more clear which client you are currently viewing;
  • Added +- 15 new metrics (nr. depends on your client type) to the dropdown on the homepage. This unlocks new scaling possibilities and gives you a better understanding of your KPI's;
  • Soon, the homepage will be customizable to your wishes, giving you the power to create your own dashboard. More on this in next release update;
  • We added a Custom Event Label to Custom Events to change the name of Events in reports;

Feature update
Product update

New big release update 🔥

Tim avatar
Shared by Tim • June 13, 2023

Hi there,

A release with new features and updates is now live! 🙌.

Read on to learn what we improved in March 2023.

NEW FEATURE: Automation Rules V2 🚀

We released Automation Rule V2! Use automation rules to automatically scale up good performing campaigns in optimizations, pause under performing campaigns or allocate a set budget to a certain channel.

In the new Automation Rules you can define tasks en set conditions based on AND and OR statements. This gives you huge possibilities to further automate your daily campaign optimization tasks. Read this article for a detailed explanation of Automation Rules.


We added Bing as a marketing channel. Navigate to settings - authorizations to connect Bing to your Billy Grace account. Bing will be available in the Campaign Performance report. Upcoming week, we will add Bing as an option to Optimizations. Don't forget to add the Bing UTM parameters. Find them on the UTM page in settings.

NEW FEATURE: Attribution Windows 🤩

Based on your feedback, we added the option to change the Attribution window. The window affects all metrics with the green 'Attribution' label. Read this article for more information about Attribution windows.

Some more amazing improvements 🔥

  • Table layouts are now saved, so the software is completely customizable to your wishes. When you drag around columns or show more / fewer columns, this will be saved per selected goal;
  • Added a Compare date picker. You are now able to compare any period you like!
  • Improved the readability of data tables by making the first column and row sticky;
  • Added Net sales and Gross sales metrics to Overview;
  • Added the option to exclude refunds from all metrics - navigate to settings - profile to adjust the handling of refunds;
Feature update
Product update

New product update 🔥

Tim avatar
Shared by Tim • June 13, 2023

Hey there,

A release with new features and updates is live. 🙌.

Read on to learn what we improved in January 2023.

Creative Studio 🎨

Creatives from TikTok and Pinterest are now available in the Creative Studio. We keep expanding the creative studio, with ad copies coming up next.

Custom Events 🚀

Released as a beta module in the beginning of December, the Custom Event feature is now live and ready to be used by all clients. Custom Events let you configure your own conversion goals via Google Tag Manager. Custom Events can be used to filter reports and as a goal in the AI budget optimization feature.

Read more about Custom Events.

User Management (agencies) 🥂

For agencies, we added the feature to invite your colleagues to Billy Grace. Navigate to Partner Dashboard (in the upper right corner) to check out the new menu with User Management to invite colleagues.

User Management for clients will be available soon!

Small but important improvements 🔥

A summary of small improvements:

  • Page speed is improved;
  • A new graph in Optimization Performance which shows the set daily budget and the actual spent daily budget, this helps you keep track of your actual daily total spent;
  • We added spent as a metric to the "Recommended budget over time" table in Optimization Performance;
  • Added a total row to the tables in Optimization Performance, Channel Performance, Campaign Performance and the Creative Studio.
New feature
Product update

A new release is now live.

Tim avatar
Shared by Tim • June 13, 2023

Hey there,

A release with new features is now live. We have been very busy the last couple of weeks to improve our platform. Read on to find out what this release means for you. The changes are ordered on importance:

Introducing the Billy Pixel 🥇

We are happy to introduce the Billy Pixel. The Billy Pixel is our own tracking solution which you can implement into your store to track your marketing performance even more accurately.

When you implement the Pixel you will gain access to the following features:

  • Channel performance page
  • Additional optimization goals (e.g. New Customer Revenue)
  • Improved attribution modelling and additional metrics in all tables

Want to find out more about the Pixel and read how to implement it? Read this article to learn more about the Pixel and information on how to install.

Channel Performance ✨

If you install the Billy Pixel, you will have access to Channel Performance in the Marketing Cloud. In Channel Performance, you see an overview of all channels that are responsible for traffic to your website. From organic to e-mail to paid advertising, everything in one overview. In summary:

  • Track performance of all channels that bring traffic to your website;
  • Gain insight in attributed revenue, orders, new customers and returning customer per channel;
  • All incoming traffic that have utm_source and utm_medium are included;
  • You will be able to see the performance of any channel that is not natively connected to Billy Grace, but has UTM's.

Read more about Channel Performance.

Custom Events - Beta 👶

Under settings, you will find a new item that is called Custom Events. This feature is currently in beta and makes it possible to create your own events that are measured via the Billy Pixel.

More information regarding how to add Custom Events is coming soon.

Small (but important) improvements 🔥

Next to these three amazing new features, hereby a summary of other changes:

  • Improved readability of tables throughout the platform;
  • Campaign and Adset tables now have nesting to lower levels, making it possible to navigate from campaign to ad level.
  • Added a UTM page under settings, to directly copy the right UTM for every marketing channel;
  • For Shopify stores several Custom Events are automatically tracked after installing the Billy Pixel. Activate these on the Custom Event page;

Keep in mind that some changes are only visible after you have installed the Billy Pixel. Read this guide for a how-to.

Product update

A new release is now live.

Tim avatar
Shared by Tim • June 13, 2023

Hey there,

From now on, we will share release updates every time we have important information to share 🙌.

In the last week, we added the following changes:

New Metric: Net Profit 💰

With the Net Profit metric, you will have even more control over your webshop's performance.

  • On the homepage, we added the 'Net Profit' metric.
  • The Net profit metric is calculated as: Revenue - COGS - taxes - shipping cost on order level - total ad spend. The cost of goods sold percentage can be configured on the settings page (Settings -> Profile). This percentage is deducted from the total revenue.
  • More metrics are available and can be added to the homepage by selecting them in the dropdown menu.
  • In the future, we will add more options to accurately calculate the net profit.

New Marketing Channels 🤳

Better overview with more marketing channels.

  • Pinterest and TikTok are now available in the platform.
  • Navigate to Settings -> Authorization to authorize both channels and read this article for the recommended UTM's.

Stock Intelligence

  • We removed the date picker and added different preset periods, this improves the usability and makes it easier to analyse your stock history.
  • The preset date options are: Last 2 weeks, Last 4 weeks, Last 12 weeks and Last 6 months. You can change the period by selecting the dropdown button in the top right of the screen.
  • Read more about the Stock Intelligence page in this article.