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Product update

Product update December 🚀

Charlotte avatar
Shared by Charlotte • January 04, 2024

Hey there,

First, the best wishes for 2024! 🥂

Read on to learn what we improved in the last month of 2023.

Improved platform zoom 🔎

We have been working on a project that has been on our wish list for quite some time. The team at Billy Grace noticed that the elements on our platform appeared large, particularly on smaller screens, leading to excessive clicking and scrolling. In December, we released the new zoom. Now all elements, tables and graphs in the platform appear smaller. Our aim is that this adjustment provides a clearer overview and simplifies navigation through Billy Grace.

UTMs Update 💯

As time progresses we are looking for more ways to gather data, visualize in our platform and add automation functionalities to Automations and Automation Rules. To keep on adding these features, we use more data from paid advertising. For example, information about the placement of ads in Meta.

To gather this data we updated the UTM's of several channels, please check the UTM page and update your UTMs accordingly!

Updated tables: Checkbox selection ✅

We added checkboxes to table rows which can be selected and can be used to change the view of the row. This facilitates easier comparison between channels, campaigns or ad sets.

Additional amazing improvements 🚀

  • We have introduced Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) at the paid advertising level, enabling the display of CAC calculated as: Advertising Cost divided by the Number of New Customers who interacted with an ad.
  • 🛠️ Stay tuned! We are actively working behind the scenes on integrating with WooCommerce, Salesforce Commerce Cloud, and Channable. More updates coming soon!