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Product update July 🔥

Tim avatar
Shared by Tim • August 01, 2023

Hey there,

The product update of July has arrived 🙌.

Read on to learn what we improved in July 2023.


In the top right corner of our app, we added notifications. With notifications, we will update you about configuration issues, optimization adjustments and in the future with data-driven recommendations and insights. Click on Manage Notifications in the popup to view all past notifications.


Unified Marketing Measurement

The attribution model: Unified Marketing Measurement is now available in Optimizations. Selecting this model makes it possible to add bottom and top funnel campaigns together, as the UMM model gives insight in performance of viewability channels like Meta en YouTube.

Learn more about the attribution models used in Billy Grace.

Attribution Windows

It is now possible to adjust the attribution window that the Optimization uses to optimize budgets on.

Minimum Spend

We also added an extra field to the optimization form: Minimum Spend. If this field is filled in with a number, then our algorithm will not touch campaigns / ad sets that did not meet the minimum spend. This is mostly helpful when adding new campaigns / ad sets to an existing Optimization, as this prevents the algorithm to scale down campaigns / ad sets with low spend.


We added a model comparison page to the Analytics reports. On this page, you can easily analyze the results of different attribution models and windows. Select a base model and a model to compare with, and the metrics in the table will update accordingly.


Down in the left menu, we added a user management page. On the user management page, you can invite colleagues that need only need access to the current client you are viewing.

Additional amazing improvements 🔥

  • Improvements to the Optimization algorithm to better account for short term changes in results;
  • It is now possible to turn off the Comparison Date picker. Turn off the switch inside the date picker to not show comparisons in reports.
  • Improved table readability and usability;